2 Ways Oil Changes Can Actually Save You Money

One of the most common reasons that people put off getting the oil change they need for their vehicle is the cost that comes along with this regular maintenance. While the cost of an oil change is quite reasonable, it is not uncommon for many people to struggle to find the extra cash in their budget multiple times each year. Consequently, it is not uncommon for people to put off oil changes for financial reasons. This is really quite unfortunate because getting the oil in your vehicle changed on a regular basis can actually help to save you money in the long run. Continue reading below to learn more about the two ways in which oil changes have the power to save you a significant amount of cash. 

#1: Save On Engine Repairs

When it comes to protecting your engine from damage, there really is nothing as important as your motor oil. This is because motor oil lubricates the many moving parts inside your engine and prevents friction from occurring. This is important because friction can damage your engine in two distinct ways. First, this friction can cause metal parts to wear down over time as metal shavings are created each time the moving parts grind against one another without proper lubrication. Second, the friction created by these parts grinding against one another will create excess heat. This heat can damage the seals inside your engine, causing a variety of very serious issues which can ultimately result in your engine being destroyed. Maintaining proper levels of clean motor oil in your vehicle will prevent these issues and ultimately allow you to avoid rather expensive engine repairs. 

#2: Save On Fuel Costs

While preventing engine damage can help you to save money in the long term, regular oil changes can also help you to save money in the short term by reducing how much fuel your vehicle consumes. This is because when the oil in your engine begins to get dirty, it will begin to thicken. The thicker your oil is, the harder your vehicle is going to have to work in order to keep this oil circulating through your engine. The harder your vehicle has to work, the more fuel your vehicle will consume. This means that operating a vehicle with dirty engine oil will inevitably cost you more at the pump. By changing your oil on a regular basis you can avoid these higher fuel costs while also making sure that your vehicle remains in tip-top condition. 

For more information about oil changes, contact a local company. 

428 Words

About Me

"Car" is "Care" Without the "E" Have you ever noticed how similar with words "car" and "care" are before? This could just be a coincidence, but it is also helpful. The similarity of the two words serves to remind you that your car requires care. You should take it to the auto service shop regularly for oil changes, to have the tires rotated, and to have the brakes serviced. Neglect this care, and your car may not keep working very long, and it may not even be safe to drive. We invite you to read more about auto service and auto care on this blog, where we delve into such topics in more detail.



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